iCom – illustrations and renders for children’s building block packagings

Renders, illustrations, and packagings for Klocki Blocki. Here are fabulous and imaginative illustrations showcasing various scenes created with building blocks that serve as an alternative to Lego. According to the client's slogan: 'Imagination rules here!
Type of project:
For Kids

Alternative to the market leader

agencja reklamowa zabawki dla dzieci

A more affordable option

Klocki Blocki is a Polish brand producing building blocks as an alternative to the market leader in this industry, Lego. With the expiration of Lego’s patent on the characteristic shape of the blocks, many manufacturers have decided to ensure compatibility of their blocks with the most popular ones.

As a result, customers can mix and match different sets and combine elements. This allows for using a more affordable alternative, which is also not without significance.

grafika na opakowania zabawek
icom projektowanie opakowan dla dzieci portfolio
opakowania zabawek agencja graficzna
studio graficzne opakowania zabawek

Goal of the project

Our goal was to create illustrations to be featured on the packaging, and later on the packaging itself. We placed the greatest emphasis on attractive and enticing illustrations, as they are the most crucial elements of block packaging.

We developed renders that needed to be colored, illuminated, and properly arranged. Thus, our work begins with conceptualizing the entire scene, determining what the character will be doing, where they will be positioned, and the background.

studio graficzne opakowania klockow dla dzieci
opakowania zabawek dla dzieci studio graficzne
opakowania zabawek studio graficzne

Design process

Contrary to appearances, such a large field of independence sometimes creates challenging situations. It may turn out that the vast creative space becomes a challenge in itself, and the key becomes narrowing down the scope of exploration.

Therefore, we began by discussing verbally with the client the nature of the planned illustrations. This approach significantly expedited the work, allowing us to avoid wasting time creating sketches that deviate significantly from the client’s vision.

Using simple sketches, we finalized the approximate arrangement of characters and elements with the client, as well as the outline of the background.

studio graficzne rendery zabawek
tworzenie opakowan dla zabawek
icom rendery na opakowania

Encountered challenges

studia graficzne klocki

After coloring, setting up, and rendering 3D objects, it’s time to combine them with photographs. This is the moment when we not only have to match the lighting of renders and photos, add shadows, but also take care of details such as tire tracks in the mud, proper light refraction in vehicle windows, reflections in water, dirt clinging to some vehicles, submerging the legs of characters in grass, water flowing from some element, fire, and many other nuances.

Additionally, there’s the movement of some elements. All of this is done to capture the creative aspect of these blocks in the most attractive and interesting way, in line with the client’s slogan, which says: “Imagination rules here.”

opakowanie klockow studio graficzne

Illustrated series – MyGirls

A somewhat separate case is the MyGirls series, where instead of photographs, we use original illustrations as backgrounds. In this way, we created a fairytale atmosphere of Tuscany, a water park, the Amazon jungle, an amusement park at night, a concert, and many other places. The whole series is enveloped in a magical aura that only illustrations can offer.

projektowanie renderow zabawek-i klockow
tworzenie renderow zabawek studio graficzne
wizualizacje 3d klockow
projektowanie opakowan klockow studio graficzne
opakowania na zabawki studio graficzne
opakowania zabawek agencja reklamowa

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